Donate to Black Women In Ag

We need your support to make a big impact. Black Women have been leading the charge in agriculture and your support will help us create even more change in the lives of our youth, our men, and our communities. Click donate below to be a part of the movement. 

Growing it forward!

The BLACKAG Growers Cohort of 2025 is now accepting farmers nationwide. Be a part of the COHORT in your state with expert training, self paced programs, and expansion opportunities for your farm establishment at any size operation.   Join Here

"Join the growing Army of Black Women Farmers or

Become an Ambassador and help build the Database of 1 Million Black Women in Ag! We grow at our homes, on our land and help our elders grow too. We are registered Farmers with USDA and are making change in the most important industry in the world together." 

Kesha Cobb - Founder, CEO


Food Security, Sisterhood, and the Future of Agriculture

We are building a "Growing Army".  We have to produce alot of food in a short amount of time. According to the Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, to satisfy the expected food and feed demand, we will require a substantial increase of global food production of 70 percent by 2050, and will be here before we know it. That means we need more farmers! 

Black women are the most underutilized asset in agriculture but it is imperative that we become a more productive part of feeding the world from the ground up. We naturally feed our children, families, and communities. Now  it's time to feed the world while making positive, socioeconomic changes to our culture in the process.

Tailored Technical Assistance and Outreach just for you! Get assistance with opportunities for your business and/or farm.  

Starting Fall 2023 Black Women in Ag will be providing guidance and assistance with business advancement and agriculture opportunities. No matter where you are in your journey, we have information that can help. We are proud to serve Black Women in Agriculture, uplifting and creating equity in the communities that they nurture and make home. Go to our campaigns page for updates and virtual/in person meetings. 




Its the youth, the mothers, the hidden trail blazers, and the future for us! Black Women are the smallest part of the most important industry in America... Agriculture. There are more than 22 million Black Women in America, but Black Woman comprise less than 1% of farmers (according to the 2017 USDA Census of agriculture). Black Women in Ag (BWA) is an advocacy organization committed to the advancement of Black Women by addressing economic and social disparities through opportunity, education, advocacy and entrepreneurship.

We are dedicated to establishing and distinguishing at least '1 Million Black Women' in Agriculture by 2026 as our inaugural campaign for the equality and equity of the nation's food, fuel, fiber and beyond. Black Women in Ag unite!

BECOME ONE IN A MILLION! Join the database of 1M Black Women in Agriculture (always free). If you are a black woman and are new to, or beginning again in Ag, join us now. Start a garden initiative in your area, become and urban farmer, start a cattle farm, initiate a career in agriculture and work from the office, or invest in land with others. Just get involved! It is imperative that you do for the future of our food, family and communities.